The use of scrubbers for control of air pollution has gained wide acceptance throughout the industry. Particulate collectors such as cyclones and electrostatic precipitators cannot efficiently absorb gases or remove odors.
Thin Film Evaporator Overviews:
An LCI thin film evaporator (TFE) or wiped film evaporator (WFE) provides short residence time and open, low pressure drop configuration, allowing continuous, reliable processing of many heat sensitive or viscous materials without product degradation.
Simply stated, LCI thin-film separation technology quickly separates volatile from less volatile components using indirect heat transfer and mechanical agitation of a flowing product film under controlled conditions.
Spiral Heat Exchanger Overviews:
The spiral heat exchanger is extremely compact due to its wrapped cylindrical arrangement and requires minimum installation space and servicing area. The entire heat transfer surface is normally accessible for inspection or manual cleaning simply by removing the covers.
High Shear Mixers —Compared to helical mixers, HSM mixers are better for low/low or low/high viscosity liquids, liquid/gas, and gas/gas mixing applications in most cases. HSM mixers have a higer pressure drop than helical mixers.
Helical mixers for high pressure and high viscosity applications
High Shear Mixers
Steam Trap Overviews:
Nichoson is the originator of the bellows actuated
Thermostatic Steam Trap. ’s thermostatic product range spans applications from critical tracing to high capacity process. High sensitivity, immediate air venting and exceptional thermal efficiency are the hallmark of Thermostatic Steam Traps.
Super Alloys Overviews:
This group of materials, Nickel Alloys, Cobalt Alloys, Special Alloys and Super Alloys is primarily used in extremely high temperature and/or corrosive environments, such as jet engines, power generation applications, chemical plants, and oil rigs. Typically, nickel alloys or cobalt alloys are used in environments where the use temperatures are in access of 1000 degrees F.
Local Equipment (Presuure Vessel/Heat Exchanger)
Heat Exchangers Overviews: Heat Exchangers are designed to your mechanical or thermal specification and are generally of shell and tube construction. Heat Exchangers can be manufactured from a variety of materials to suit specific applications.
Pressure Vessel Overviews: At ICS Synergy, we have been manufacturing Pressure Vessels for over 5 years. Specialist areas of Pressure Vessel design and manufacture include the Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, and industry sectors. Pressure Vessels can designed and manufactured to any international standard including PD5500 and ASME VIII and where necessary the PED and ATEX Directives.